How to Prepare and tag your Items
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How to Enter Your Items and Tagging Guidelines
Once you have registered as a consignor you can begin entering your items using our online system. The following information is required for each item:
- Category: choose a category from the drop-down menu that best describes your item.
- Size: For clothing, you will choose a size from the drop-down menu beneath the category (please do not choose Small, Medium, Large, XL unless it is maternity clothing)
- Item Description: For in-person events the description can be brief since the person shopping can see the item. A good description helps us reunite your tag to your item if they get separated. For online events, you MUST Include a brief description of the item that includes the brand, item type, color or pattern and condition (ie: Gymboree pants black with white flowers. New with tags). You want people to find your item, some people shop by using brand, color or condition as keywords.
- Photo. For online events you need to upload ONE picture. If you think that your item needs more than one picture, create a collage and upload it as one picture. Always make sure to check the picture you uploaded to make sure it looks good. Click on the camara icon.
- Price: Price your items to sell! Remember that there is a $3 minimum for items. You may put multiple items together to create the $3 value (ex. three onesies for $3). Please refer to our pricing guide for suggestions. .
- Discount: Check this box if you want your item to be sold at 50% during our half-price sale. The half-price sale is one of our busiest days and many shoppers will not purchase items left at this point if they are NOT 1/2 off!
- Donate: For in-person events, check this box to donate the item if it does not sell. Donated items will be given to a local charity. You will receive a tax letter for your donated items.
- Quantity: This option allows you to quickly produce tags if you have more than one of the exact same item (color, size, etc)
- Submit: Finally you will submit and the item will be added to your online inventory. Continue this process until you have entered all of your items.
- Print: For in-person events, you can print after you’ve enter your items. Use white cardstock only when printing your tags. This is important because our scanners have to be able to read the barcode. If the code can’t scan, it can’t sell. For online events, you have to wait until the sale is over to generate your tags. You only tag they items you sell.
Tips To Increase Your Sales!
- Stick with the 30% of retail rule for the majority of your items. For example, if you bought the item you’re trying to sell for $10, list it for $3, that’s the 30% of retail rule. For items that don’t justify price tag, try bundling. For example, 2 t-shirts for $3. Shoppers come for bargains- plain and simple!
- DISCOUNT, DISCOUNT, DISCOUNT!!!! We can’t stress that enough. One of our heaviest days of customers is our Discount Day (last day of our sale) and the shoppers want to see that DISCOUNT symbol on your tag. At the time of the half-price sale, your item will have been full price for one or two days. You don’t want to bring it home- so discount it!
- Expect to sell around 50% of your items if you price competitively.
Tagging Tips for in-person events:
- Hangers- All Clothing must be on Hangers. It is preferred that bedding is hung, it is easier for shoppers to view.
- Clothing Tags– All tags should be on the right side of the garment or over the heart of the shirt
- Hanger Position– Hangers should face the left like a question mark (?)
- Shoes– Zip Tie shoes together or use ribbon/string, then pin tag to tie. (tip: use tape to write consignor number and item number in the sole of each shoe for in the event they get separated) Only infant shoes are allowed in plastic bags
- Books and DVD’s- verify all DVD’s are in good working order, tape the box then tape the tag to the back of the DVD box. For hard back books tape the tag to the back of the Book. For Paperback books or book lot, place books in a ziploc bag, tape bag shut, and then tape tag to bag. Try not to tape over vital information to the buyer.
- Small items– Place in a ziploc bag, tape shut and tape tag to outside of the bag.
- Selling Items Together– Please only sell items together if they are the same size.
- Toys– Tape tag to toy and be sure to not cover any sticker part of toy. Place any loose pieces of a toy inside a bag, then tape to toy.
- Electronics. These items need working batteries, if the items is rechargeable make sure it is fully charge so that in can be tested.
- Puzzles and Games– use cling wrap on box then tape tag to the wrap, so there is no damage to item. Make sure all items are included.
- All items– please be sure to tape all bags, boxes etc shut.
- Large items with multiple pieces– If you have a large item with multiple pieces (i.e. a stroller car seat combo- selling as a set) Please be sure to write on the printed tag item 1 of 2 etc, then on a scrap piece of card stock write consigner number, item number, brief description, and item 2 of 2 for the other large item then attach. So both the stroller and the car seat have a tag.
Tagging Tips for online events:
For online events, you only tag the items you’ve SOLD. You will receive a sales report after the online sale is over. The system will generate the tags once the sale IS OVER.
- Clothing. Items must be rolled up into a bundle, secured with a rubber band works well (to minimize the use of plastic bags) and with the tag attached to the item. We will ask you to do this at drop-off if you didn’t do it in advance. Scroll down for example. No hangers needed.
- Shoes– Tie shoes together or use ribbon/string/zip tie, then attach tag. Only infant shoes are allowed in plastic bags, you can attach the tag to the bag.
- Books and DVD’s- Verify all DVD’s are in good working order and then tape the tag to the DVD box. Only use masking tape or painter’s tape for book, packing tape will damage the cover when removed.
- Small items– Place in a plastic bag or ziploc bag, tape shut and tape tag to outside of the bag.
- Toys– Tape tag to toy and be sure to not cover any sticker part of toy. Place any loose pieces of a toy inside a bag, then tape to toy.
- Electronics. These items need working batteries, if the items is rechargeable make sure it is fully charge so that in can be tested. If an item can’t be turned on to get tested, the client won’t know if it works or not and can refuse the item. We will give then a refund but you won’t get the item back.
- Puzzles and Games– Use cling wrap on box then tape tag to the wrap, so there is no damage to item. Make sure all items are included.
- Large items with multiple pieces– If you have a large item with multiple pieces (i.e. a stroller car seat combo- selling as a set) Please be sure to write on the printed tag item 1 of 2 etc, then on a scrap piece of card stock write buyer number, item number, brief description, and item 2 of 2 for the other large item then attach. So both the stroller and the car seat have a tag.
- All items– please be sure to tape all bags, boxes etc shut.
Tagging Supplies
- White cardstock 60-67lb. for making tags (no copy paper- it doesn’t hold up)
- Scissors
- Hangers (save from stores like Old Navy and Target or buy packs at Walmart or Dollar Tree)
- Zip top bags for packing small items
- Zip ties (from Dollar Tree)
- Packing tape or Painters Tape for attaching tags to toys and labels to bags (no scotch tape please, it will not stay on)
- Rubber bands
Quality Items Only
We want to maintain our reputation of offering high quality items. We will inspect each item at drop-off to ensure that there are no rips, stains, holes and that they are in working order. Please do not be offended if an item is rejected. We want to make our event a success for everyone and that means being very picky about the items we accept.
$3 Minimum
Do not price any item under $3.00. If your single item cannot bring $3.00 on it’s own, pair it with something similar and THE SAME SIZE (if clothing) that will bring it to this amount. We will be strictly enforcing this $3.00 minimum rule on all items including toys, books and accessories.